
Sean Sutton

Shawn is a model from Red. We were at the agency casting for a story and he was in the back doing pushups. We'd seen his photos before, but meeting him in person was a different story. You can't stop looking at his eyes; like butterflies fluttering under his eyebrows. The next week we shot together on the street in the Bronx. He got a lot of catcalls. The girls were very excited. The guys, not so much. But he shrugged it off. "It's aight. I be fuckin' they mothers with these pictures." Haters, ya heard?


Ryan Legg

Ryan Legg is a cool kid from Pennsylvania. We shot at high noon on what was probably the hottest day of the summer on a silver rooftop. It was a bright idea.



Harvey's from the Bronx but we saw him in Union Square. We like going to the Bronx. He's a lifeguard and a doorman and a personal trainer, which means he has a built-in fan base. His charm is hard to overstate, and his body needs very little work. Harvey, man, we wish you only the best.



Romain is a DJ from Cannes. We ran into him at the pizza counter at Whole Foods. For someone who's been in New York a short time, he knows a lot of people. We went to take some pictures around his neighborhood in Brooklyn, and something about the October light was just right. He's now at Re:Quest.



Zacheu is a student from Goiânia, a small town near Brasilia. We met at Whole Foods. He was in NYC studying English for a few weeks this summer, and we went to Central Park for a test shoot, with his mom, who is beautiful. He's not signed, but I think this could be an option when he graduates.


Daniil is a Russian kid we saw on the L train. He's in the city for the summer, and was up for taking some photos. He started out a little shy, but by the end I think he had a really strong connection with the camera. He's due back at school in October.


Casey Spooner

We first met Casey Spooner at Adam Kimmel's studio in Chelsea. An ornate antique chair had just arrived from France, and Casey sat in it, still in the crate, as if it were a throne. He knows a photo op when he sees one. This time was at our studio, with a king-size wardrobe case that we ended up wheeling from his rehearsal space on Wooster Street, crossing Broadway with a hat box balanced precariously. He and John Tan tried many, many combinations before settling on a trench coat made from US Postal Service envelopes; a hi-tech mesh bodysuit sent to him by Calvin Klein; a pair of Japanese wooden clogs complicated by a huge rubber band he wore around his neck, for posture training. He did his own hair.